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Unbeatable Quality

How do we make your Leather

There’s so much happening behind the scenes of B.J.Leather to ensure our clients receive the best quality, reliable products possible. To bring our exceptional production process to light, we’ve outlined the key features below. Keep reading to learn the benefits you’ll receive when you choose to do business with us.


Starting the process

From the moment our Leather arrives from the Tanneries, we are hands on selecting the leathers determining the grades for the specific Jobs, every piece of leather is handchecked by ourselves

All Hands on

We work the majority of our leathers the traditional way, that means almost anything over 3 mm has the stain put into the leather with a brush to get maximum penetration, anything under 3 mm has the stain hand sprayed on. We also have roller machines that feed the leather through which gives a modern plastic look

Those finishing touches

Every batch of leather is expertly colour matched to the master patterns, using a special light box which means conditions are always the same. 
After the pigment has been applied and the seal coats have dried, then its time for the grease, once again the traditional grease is applied by hand giving it the unique British Leather look. Modern spray greases can also be sprayed on instead if the grease effect is not required

Our Process: Features
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